How AI helps with storytelling

by | May 16, 2024

Storytelling is a powerful tool. It helps us capture attention and make our messages relevant. How can generative AI be used to make this tool even more effective? This was the focus of my presentation at AI Marketing Day in Munich. Using a sporting goods retailer as an example, I showed how ChatGPT can be used to develop stories that engage and retain customers.

AI’s many roles

The marketing manager of a large sports retailer is faced with the challenge of addressing her customers individually across all channels. The approach: AI-assisted storytelling. Real people are supported by AI assistants. The content strategist gets the support he needs for his creative process on the specialised topic of mountain biking, for example, from a sports doctor and an MTB pro.

But how exactly does this process work? Generative AI can take on many roles. The trick is to find suitable roles and let them develop topics together. The role of the content strategist is then to moderate this dialogue and use clever questions to lure the AI, which is only a probability machine, out of its reserve.

More on this in my presentation at the AI Marketing Day on 15 May 2024 in Munich.

Download the presentation

Interested in more details? Download the full presentation ‘Storytelling with AI’ and find out how you can use generative AI in content marketing.