Every organisation has vast amounts of data. You just have to link them correctly.
“Summertime and the livin’ is easy” – George Gershwin’s famous song from Porgy and Bess may be ringing in your ears these days. The sun is shining, the days are long, the nights are balmy – there are plenty of reasons to feel good. And this is obviously reflected in people’s moods. How can you tell? Quite simply by asking people what music they are listening to. If the music is more upbeat, it indicates a good mood, and vice versa: people who are sad are more likely to listen to music in a minor key.
Der Streamingdienst Spotify hat einen Algorithmus entwickelt, der Lieder nach ihrer Stimmung beurteilt. Er reicht von 0 (sehr traurig) bis 100 (sehr glücklich). Aretha Franklins „Respect“ kommt hier auf 97 Punkte, „Creep“ von Radiohead auf zehn. Seit 2017 veröffentlicht Spotify die täglichen Ranglisten der 200 meistgehörten Songs. Natürlich stellt Spotify seiThe streaming service Spotify has developed an algorithm that rates songs according to their mood. It goes from 0 (very sad) to 100 (very happy). Aretha Franklin’s ‘Respect’ scores 97, while Radiohead’s ‘Creep’ scores ten. Since 2017, Spotify has published a daily ranking of the 200 most listened to songs. Of course, Spotify does not ask its listeners any questions. Instead, the company has secured the right in its terms of use to analyse who is listening to which song at what time, in which place and on which device. This allows it to analyse the listening habits of around 300 million people – in real time.nen Hörerinnen und Hörern keine Fragen. Das Unternehmen hat sich vielmehr in seinen Nutzungsbedingungen das Recht zusichern lassen, auswerten zu dürfen, wer an welchem Ort zu welcher Zeit auf welchem Gerät welchen Song hört. So lassen sich die Hörgewohnheiten von rund 300 Millionen Menschen abfragen – in Echtzeit.